Mount Eliza Manor Gardens

Mount Eliza Manor is roughly an acre of land in the middle of an housing estate in a Mount Eliza  Woodlands eucalyptus forest with many creeks. It is situated in Mount Eliza on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia. We purchased the property in 2017 to become a haven for our family of 5. The gardens at Mount Eliza Manor can be sorted into many sections including the horseshoe driveway gardens with tall eucalyptus trees, the fruit tree orchard, the kitchen garden, the iris garden beds, tropical pool area with tall palms and lawns with established alders, maples and liquid amber trees. 


While the gardens at Mount Eliza Manor had been neglected for 10 years, the original owner had planted many feature trees 40 years ago around the property that we could utilize in our designs. There are many established palms, alders, conifers, oaks, maples, and pastel coloured rose varieties. It has taken time to plan and create the dedicated sections of the garden, matching new plants to the soil and sunlight conditions of each area. The front gardens contain large remnant eucalyptus trees that create habitat for animals and shade cover for the gardens below.

After studying biology, marine biology, geology and ecology at University, I have a strong emphasis on being sustainable at Mount Eliza Manor. Our kitchen gardens create plant waste that is placed in the worms farms or compost bins to create new soil for the gardens. We have spent many weekends removing noxious weeds and hundreds of agapanthus plants from the property. The large duck and chicken area also creates manure and waste that can be returned to the gardens once processed.  



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